
Friday, August 2, 2013

Awesome News and a Giveaway! CLOSED

In case you haven’t heard, today the FDA announced its decision to standardize gluten free labeling. The FDA’s decision mandates that all products labeled “gluten free” must contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten by August 2, 2014. Awesome, huh?!

Before now there wasn’t a threshold for how much gluten was allowed to be in a product labeled “gluten free,” so this is great news!

Click here for more specifics on the new labeling.

Today also happens to be the 9th anniversary of the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA), making this day even cooler.

Don’t you think this calls for a celebration?! Yeah, me too.

And so does Glutino (they’ve been advocating for years for a gluten free labeling law). They’re going to let me do a giveaway of 5 boxes of their yummy Toaster Pastries to celebrate!


Have you tried these things, yet? They’re quite tasty.

(Did you know, Glutino’s products currently contain less than 10 parts per million of gluten, which is well below the standard announced by the FDA? I’m quite the fan of this company.)

To enter to win 1 of the 5 boxes:
  • Comment on this post
  • Make sure I have a way to contact you if you win
  • Giveaway closes next Friday, August 9, at midnight
Click here to read the official press release from Boulder Brands, Glutino and Udi’s about the new FDA labeling.


West's said...

We are working on going gluten free. These would be awesome! Tara

Paula Decaria said...

I love Glutino products! pauladecaria (at) yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Awesome! We love Glutino! These would be a big hit with my celiac daughter.

Unknown said...

Would love to try the Apple Cinnamon, I miss pop tarts so much! :(

Jo said...

I was really excited to see Glutino making poptarts! I didn't eat treats often pre Celiac, but every once in awhile I would love a treat like this!!! I've been GF for seven years and love getting new ideas, so thanks for your website! -Joanna

nikolelily said...

We are a gluten free family for our Celiac 5 year old, and likely myself and our other child who is too young to test. Thank you for the giveaway- GF family of FIVE our food budget is insane!

Colton H Mathews said...

mmmmm I want some!!

Paige said...

Yum yum yummy!

blnrckr said...

Hi. I am a first time mom at 44.(son 13.4mo) THAT along with BPA.. GMO.. GFCF, Autism, Utah air, organic vs. non...I'm freakin out! BUT I am very happy to have found your site. Thanks for giving the rest of us an opportunity to try out something new!